Evocative Romance. Unexpected Evil.

An author with a dark side and a light side...happily exploring both.

Review: The House of the Scorpion

The House of the Scorpion - Nancy Farmer

This is actually a re-read for me, as I first read the book several years ago when one of my daughters brought it home from the library. I'm happy to say that it's just as good (and maybe even better) than it was the first time around.


Farmer pens a chilling tale of clones and drug empires that pulled me in from the very first page and didn't let me go until the end. This YA dystopian has it all: relatable characters, plenty of suspense, excellent pacing, and absolutely stellar world-building.


As I finished the re-read, I remembered that I've been meaning to pick up the sequel, The Lord of Opium...which is now at the very top of my TBR list.

Currently reading

The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces
Frank Wilczek